Elliott over WarGames 2

Website Moviehole had een interview met Mike Elliott, een producer die schijnbaar is gespecialiseerd in sequels. De beste man liet daarin onder andere iets los over de komende opvolger van WarGames uit 1983.

In die film brak Matthew Broderick als whizzkid David Lightman in in een militaire supercomputer, waarna hij controle had over het nucleaire arsenaal van de VS. Broderick zal overigens niet terugkeren in de sequel.

[eng]"The story is more international... it takes place in half in Philidelphia, half in Europe...I'm not supposed to say anything yet. No original stars are contemplated for War Games. It’s hard to believe it but the original War Games, which I consider a true classic, is twenty years old! The original was made in a time before everyone had their own computer… before we all had worldwide access to the internet.

The world back then was so different from today’s, so much more innocent, that we have had to do a ton of updating. The result is a more techy and fast-paced than the original. It’s tricky, but we are hopeful we will simultaneously please fans of the original and draw in some new viewers."[/eng]


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