Andy Serkis over 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes' sequel (video)

De man achter opper-aap Caesar over de toekomst van de beoogde franchise.

Andy Serkis, momenteel druk bezig met het neerzetten van Gollem in Peter Jacksons The Hobbit films, maakte vorig jaar indruk met zijn werk aan Rupert Wyatts Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Er wordt momenteel al druk gewerkt aan het script voor de sequel en Serkis had hier tegenover IGN onder andere het volgende over te zeggen:

"This was never a film saying Apes are good, humans are bad or apes are bad. It was always about the difficult gray areas of a species dominating a planet. I think where ever it goes - and it is in its infancy in terms of where we are taking the story - it will certainly have conflict and it will certainly have Caesar having to make decisions about managing his own kind and, also, the survivors of the virus and making sure they can co-exist. I believe that's where it is going."

Het gehele interview vind je hieronder:


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