Clive Barker schrijft Hellraiser remake

The Weinstein Company is van plan om de allereerste Hellraiser-film opnieuw te maken, met dit keer een veel grotere zak geld dan er in 1987 beschikbaar was. De filmmaatschappij heeft daarbij Clive Barker, geestelijk vader van de reeks en tevens regisseur van de eerste film, ingeschakeld om de film te schrijven.

"They're going to remake Hellraiser One with a lot more money and they've invited me to write it – the invitation came from Bob Weinstein – which I am going to do, on the basis that if I don't do it, it will be done in some way that I probably won't like! It's only that one that I really, really, really care about in terms of its remake value - and it'll be kind of fun to have the extra money to do the effects and all that cool stuff. So it puts me in the situation of writing both the beginning and the end of Pinhead at the same time – 'In my end is my beginning…' I'm not in the middle, as it were, I'm leaving out his middle age, I'm just dealing with his beginning and his end. I'm excited about it - actually it'll be kinda cool to revisit it once and see if there are things we can do to it which will make it significantly better.


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