James Wan over Saw 2

Website Bloody Disgusting had een interview met regisseur James Wan (Saw), en vroeg hem onder andere naar Saw 2, waarbij Wan alleen voor producer zal spelen, en zijn nieuwe film Silence.

Saw 2, geregisseerd door Darren Lynn Bousman, draait vanaf oktober in de Verenigde Staten. De eerste Saw is vanaf 12 mei pas in Nederland te zien.

[eng]"Let me cut to it, SAW2 is going to be NASTY! There are scenes in this one that makes me squirm just thinking about it. On the first film, we didn't have any budget to show you anything, so I had to hide it all with quick cuts...SAW2 is a different story. Darren has a bigger budget on this one to do it right. He's gonna have a better financial support than I did on the first one."[/eng]
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