The Flash en Green Lantern 2 krijgen scenario

Of de films er gaan komen is niet zeker, maar blijkbaar heeft men er vertrouwen in van wel.

Co-schrijver en producer Greg Berlanti van Green Lantern werkt alweer een tijdje aan het vervolg op de eerste film, die nog uit moet komen, en heeft weer eens een update gegeven. Daarbij ging het ook even over de mogelijke film over The Flash. Samen met Michael Green en Marc Guggenheim werkt hij aan het verhaal van de tweede film. Daarnaast is werk aan een scenario van The Flash ook bezig.

"'GL' is always a bit lighter than that on earth but mixed with a twinge of the space opera, which has its own epic qualities to it. 'Flash' as we're getting into it is interesting, too. Though Barry Allen was a little lighter in the comic, I think because of the nature that he was a CSI and moved in this world of crime before this stuff happened. I think it's tonally somewhere in between 'GL' and 'Dark Knight.' It's actually a little bit darker than when we were working on ('GL'), because you're dealing with somebody who is already a crimefighter in a world of those kinds of criminals and that kind of murder and homicide. I find you talk a lot about different films when you're working on a film, and we spend a lot more time talking about 'Se7en' or 'The Silence of the Lambs' as we construct that part of Barry's world, then I thought when we got into it. It helps balance a guy in a red suit who runs really fast."

"A third thing I'd throw at you is alternate dimensions, so it's true that we want to find the things that make it… With 'GL,' we used to say there's a space opera component and then there's the down on earth. In 'The Flash,' there's the sci-fi component and there's the crime component and it's fitting those two things together, and the sci-fi thing, we obviously want to nail that and honor that and do that in a way that feels visceral and real and cool and probably more in the tone of 'The Matrix" films or things like that. I always think of 'The Flash' stories where he met Jay Garrick and knows there was Earth Prime and things like that. There's an avenue for these films to broaden the DC Film Universe in that way, so that's the hope."

Als de scenario’s af zijn, wil Berlanti rond de tafel gaan zitten met Warner Bros., om te kijken wat de opties zijn om de films te maken. Zijn eerste zorg is echter te zorgen dat de scenario’s af zijn, en dan pas wil hij kijken hoe het verder moet.

Green Lantern draait vanaf 17 juni 2011 in de Amerikaanse bioscopen.


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