Arnie in T4

Het bloed kruipt waar het niet gaan kan...

Het begint er nu toch we serieus op te lijken dat Arnold Schwarzenegger kortstondig zijn opwachting gaat maken in Terminator Salvation. Sinds vandaag hebben we de eerste uitspraken van regisseur McG hierover:

"The T800s as we know them look like Arnold [Schwarzenegger]. The T800 plays a big role in this movie.. I can't quite tell you how we express that, but I will tell you the following: I think when you make a Terminator movie the responsibility of our to push special effects forward. So what we're trying to do is create visual effects and write code that's never been written before to address this very question. It is not clear if we will be successful or not, so we're working very diligently on going up to ILM in Sn Francisco because soon to address this very nature because... let me just hint at this: I don't want today's Arnold Schwarzenegger."

Hoe zou T4 ook een succes kunnen worden zonder....


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