Peter Jackson over 'The Return of the King'

Ain't-It-Cool-News had een [url2][]interview[/url2] met de regisseur van 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King' Peter Jackson. Hij vertelde daarin o.a dat de scene met Saruman & Grima is weggelaten maar wel op de DVD komt.

[eng]We have decided to save the Saruman sequence for the DVD. It's a great little scene. 7 mins long. Chris is wonderful, as usual. Brad is in about 6 shots. It was a film maker decision - nothing to do with the studio.

The problem is that the sequence was originally shot for The Two Towers, as it is in the book. Since The Two Towers couldn't sustain a 7 min "wrap" after Helm's Deep, we thought it would be a good idea to save it for the beginning of the Return of the King. The trouble is, when we viewed various ROTK cuts over the last few weeks, it feels like the first scenes are wrapping last year's movie, instead of starting the new one. We felt it got ROTK off to an uncertain beginning, since Saruman plays no role in the events of ROTK (we don't have the Scouring later, as the book does), yet we dwell in Isengard for quite a long time before our new story kicks off.[/eng]


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