Goyer over Batman

David S. Goyer schreef eerder voor onder andere The Crow: City of Angels, Dark City en alle drie delen uit de Blade trilogie. Samen met regisseur Christopher Nolan werkte hij ook aan het script voor de vijfde Batmanfilm, Batman Begins. Website Cinescape sprak met Goyer over deze film.

[eng]"We weren't sure what villains we wanted to use, but we knew it should be villains that hadnt been used in the films. At the same time we didnt want to make any up. If you look at the rogues gallery, the ones that hadnt been used were Scarecrow and Ras Al Ghul. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to bring those characters in. We knew we were going to do an original story, but if we do this right, we can then reintroduce the rogues gallery the audience has met before in the movies, but in a new way."[/eng]


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