Dum Dum Dugan gecast in Captain America?

...en dus ook in The Avengers!

Neal McDonough (Minority Report, Desperate Housewives) is in gesprek voor de rol van ‘Howling Commando’ Dum Dum Dugan in Joe Johnstons Captain America: The First Avenger. Mocht de rol inderdaad naar hem gaan, dan vecht McDonough in 2012 hoogstwaarschijnlijk ook zij aan zij met Samuel L. Jackson in Nick Fury. Wellicht is er zelfs wel een rolletje voor hem weggelegd in The Avengers. Dit hangt er natuurlijk wel van af hoe het met de Howling Commandos afloopt in Captain America.

Hieronder een stukje over het personage Dugan van Marvel Wikia:

During World War II, while working as a circus strongman, Dugan helps Nick Fury and Sam Sawyer escape the Nazis during a mission. Dugan later joins the British Army, and when Sawyer is charged with creating Fury’s First Attack Squad, also known as the Howling Commandos, Sawyer invites Dugan to become second in command. His exceptional strength saves the day in several of his adventures with the group. During his time with the Howlers Dugan became skilled on all Allied small weapons and gained experience in all forms of hand to hand combat, especially Judo. With his trademark derby, Dum Dum frequently struck fear into the Nazi and Japanese enemies in mission after mission. Such were the Howling Commandos feared by the Third Reich, a counter squad of elite fighters, the Blitzkrieg Squad was formed, and among their number, bar room brawler Siegfried, whose story of defeating six men with his bare hands made it to the ears of Von Strucker, was chosen to stand against Dum Dum Dugan.

Captain America zal in de zomer van volgend jaar in de Nederlandse bioscopen te zien zijn.


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