Peter Farrelly nog steeds positief over ‘Dumb and Dumber To’

De regisseur staat overigens ook open voor een sequel op 'The Three Stooges'.

Bobby en Peter Farrelly maakten hun regiedebuut met de succesvolle komedie Dumb and Dumber (1994), met in de hoofdrollen Jim Carrey en Jeff Daniels als twee niet al te snuggere, beste vrienden die een rampzalige trip maken van Providence naar Aspen. Inmiddels ligt er een script klaar voor de sequel en de opnames zouden afgelopen september van start moeten gaan. Hoewel we inmiddels alweer een paar maanden verder zijn, gaat Peter Farrelly er van uit dat Dumb and Dumber To er gewoon gaat komen.

There were no other movies we’ve made that are real sequel type movies–maybe ‘The Three Stooges.’ We always said that it would be fun to do another one just because it was such a fun experience and we kind of left them off where they started in that movie so it is the kind of thing you could do a couple of them. But over the years, Jim didn’t want to do another one, until recently, about a year ago or so, he called us up and he was in a hotel watching TV and ‘Dumb & Dumber’ came on and he sat there howling and said, ‘We gotta do another one!’ and I said, ‘That’s awesome, let’s do it.’

Hij is erg enthousiast over het script.

We have the script and I will say this: I love the script but if I told you about the script, you’d be completely impressed, but if I told you about the first one–’Well, what’s it about?’ ‘It’s about these two guys that find this briefcase and they follow this girl to Aspen.’ You’d say, ‘Well, where’s the movie?’ It’s not about the plot, it’s about the characters. It’s a really hard movie to explain to people and make them see it, but I guarantee you that it’s sort of exactly like the first one. We pick up from that 20 years later, we explain what they’ve done for the last 17 or 18 years, we take off from that and it’s just a lot of laughs. It’s at Warner Bros. and right now it’s being financed outside the studio, but it will be released by Warner Bros.–knock on wood–and that’s all being worked out right now… If you liked ‘Dumb & Dumber,’ you’ll like this because it’s the same and more. It’s really fun.

Farrelly praatte ook over een mogelijke sequel op The Three Stooges, een film die volgens hem op het verkeerde moment uitkwam. Hoewel er op dit moment nog geen plannen zijn voor The Three Stooges 2, staat de co-regisseur er zeker voor open.

I could not be prouder of a movie than I am of that movie. The casting was unbelievable. A minute into ‘The Three Stooges,’ you forget it’s not Moe, Larry and Curly. I have no regret and yeah, would I do another one? In a heartbeat. It was a ball to make.


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