Spiderman 3 laatste in de reeks

Regisseur Sam Raimi heeft afgelopen weekend meegedeeld dat Spiderman 3, die in 2007 moet uitkomen, de laatste film in de reeks zal zijn.

Hoewel Raimi interesse heeft om daarna nog meer vervolgen te regisseren, wil Amy Pascal, hoofd van Sony's Columbias Pictures, het definitief bij 3 delen houden.

[eng]"One thing that Amy Pascal told me was that she wants to make this a proper ending to the Spider-Man saga. I'd like to keep directing Spider-Man movies but I think she's thinking that the audience feels they want to see one more and no more. They want to have a proper ending to the story now. So I think maybe she's right, and so I'm approaching it under her guidance and that's how I'm trying to think of this film as the end."[/eng]
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