Film Breaking Bad behoort tot de opties

De succesvolle tv-serie van AMC naar het witte doek?

De succesvolle tv-serie Breaking Bad van de tv-zender AMC zal mogelijk uitmonden in een speelfilm. Waar bedenker Vince Gilligan eerder dacht dat hij onvoldoende verhalen zou hebben om de tv-serie draaiende te houden, heeft hij nu juist veel te veel stof. Hoofdrolspeler Bryan Cranston, die de rol speelt van Walter White tegenover LA Times: "Vince feels that now we have too much story. We could actually go beyond those 16 episodes."

Over de mogelijkheid dat er een Breaking Bad film wordt gemaakt, zegt Cranston: "It's not far-fetched. I wouldn't mind visiting that possibility. And this is coming from a guy who doesn't know anything of how the show's going to end. If it doesn't end up in a total apocalypse, who knows? Maybe we could revisit Walter White a year down the road and see where his life has gone. If he's still alive, that is."

Voor wie de serie kent zal weten dat het hoofdpersonage Walter White komt te overlijden. Bedenker Gilligan geeft het volgende prijs over de opties voor een speelfilm: "We can look forward to Walt's ego growing by leaps and bounds for having killed Gus Fring. To this point, Walt's been able to lie to himself and reason that he's done all these terrible things for his family. But that's a lie that's harder and harder to maintain as this upcoming season progresses and the money piles up and he's faced more and more with the badness that he's done. He's going to be a harder guy to root for, I promise you that. The experiment of the show has been to take a good guy and have him transform himself into a bad guy. And we're committed to seeing that through to the very end."

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