Zack Snyder: ‘Man of Steel’ is een “Superman die je nog nooit hebt gezien”

En hoe kijkt Snyder terug op zijn superheldenfilm 'Watchmen' (2009)?

Regisseur Zack Snyder sprak onlangs met de LA Times over zijn films. Hij liet onder meer enkele details los over de aankomende superheldenfilm Man of Steel. Ook keek hij nog even terug op zijn eerdere DC Comics verfilming Watchmen (2009).

Waarom koos hij voor Man of Steel, die in de zomer van 2013 uitkomt: “It’s funny, when Chris Nolan came to me and said ‘Do you want to do Superman?’ I was like ‘No!’ That’s a difficult one. But I felt like I knew the rules. I understand the rules of Superman — not necessarily better than anyone else — but better than a normal filmmaker would.”

En hoe gaat hij om met de personages in de superheldenfilm: “It’s a more serious version of Superman. It’s not like a heart attack. We took the mythology seriously. We take him as a character seriously.”

En waarom is Man of Steel anders dan anders: “I think that you’re going to see a Superman you’ve never seen before. We approached it as though no other films had been made. He’s the king-daddy. Honestly that’s why I wanted to do it. I’m interested in Superman because he’s the father of all superheroes.”

Als hij terug kijkt op Watchmen dan maakt hij een vergelijking met The Avengers (2012): “It’s weird because I was talking with some colleagues and we were talking about “Watchmen” and saying that in a weird way, ‘Watchmen’ becomes more and more relevant as more and more superhero movies come out. After ‘Avengers’ really would have been the perfect time to release ‘Watchmen’ because it’s the anti-’Avengers’ movie.”

En hoe denkt hij de reactie van bedenker Alan Moore’s op zijn verfilming: “I had a stranglehold on the studio that allowed me to make a super-personal love letter to that graphic novel. It’s funny that Alan Moore has said he’s against ‘Watchmen’ the movie. But it’s the strictest rendering of his work, by far, in movie form.”


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