Fahrenheit 9/11 gratis te downloaden

Michael Moore heeft toestemming gegeven aan diverse sites om z'n laatste film, Fahrenheit 9/11, online downloadbaar te stellen. Eén dag vóór de presidentsverkiezingen wil hij dat zo veel mogelijk mensen zijn film nog zien, in de hoop dat door zijn anti-Bush film Kerry de verkiezingen wint. 2 november gaat de film weer offline.

[eng]Note - these files will be taken down on Nov 2. The only reason I have them here is for the election. Once that is over then you should go to the theathers and video stores and see the movie there. I want to thank Michael Moore and the distributors for allowing me and others like me to make the available to you to be downloaded. I've heard that this will be shown election night on pay-per-view. I encourage everyone to return Moore's generocity, and that of Lion's Gate, and pay to see it.[/eng]

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