Bill 'Davy Jones' Nighy over Pirates 2

Over een maand draait het tweede deel uit the Pirates of the Caribbean reeks, Dead Man's Chest, in de Nederlandse bioscopen. Website Comingsoon sprak met acteur Bill Nighy, die te zien zal zijn als Davy Jones.

I know they're trying to keep a lot of the plot a secret, but can you tell us why Davy Jones is coming after Captain Jack Sparrow?

"Well, Davy Jones is very damaged and very hurt, and like a lot of people who've been profoundly hurt, his only remaining pleasure is to see other people suffer, and he's extremely good at it. He also has some friends, which as you say, I'm not at liberty to tell you about yet, who could kill you in about 18 different ways. There isn't anybody scarier than Davy Jones, and if he came into your life, he would come in at the point of death, and he would offer you a deal. It's a really, really, really, really lousy deal, but at that stage of the game, it's the only deal in town. I'd get fired if I tell you anything specific."

Lees hier het hele interview.


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