"The Avengers heeft zowel actie als diepgang"

Chris Evans, de man achter Captain America, geeft het verschil weer tussen Marvels superheldenspektakel en andere films.

Er wordt momenteel hard gewerkt aan The Avengers, Marvels ensemblefilm met onder meer Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo), Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) en Captain America (Chris Evans). Laatstgenoemde sprak zich onlangs tegenover The Huffington Post uit over de verhouding tussen actie en diepgang in Joss Whedons film:

"I think they struck a really good balance. There's obviously action, you've got all these super heroes, there's gonna be constant battle, I think every ten pages, there's going to be some sort of action, but you can have all the action in the world, if you don't have some substance, you got nothing. I don't want to sh*t talk other movies, I know a lot of other movies like that where it's all action and no heart. It's not easy trying to bring all those characters together and find a story, but the best thing about Joss is that Joss is a fan, Joss is a comic book guy. It feels so nice working with a guy that is well, the people I am trying to please is Joss. Joss is one of those dudes. And if Joss is happy with the dialog, if Joss is happy with the wardrobe, if Joss is happy, then I'm happy. Because he's Comic-Con, he's one of these dudes who would be in the audience geeking out, so if he's happy, I'm happy."

Verder gaf Evans inzicht in hoe zijn personage Steve Rogers omgaat met de transitie van de jaren '40 naar de huidige tijd.

"He's in modern day, he has troubles. He actually gets to have things that he might have be able to shoulder, you know what I mean? He can't just put it on his back. He's a fish out of water. Everyone knows he's dead, and he's in a foreign time, and 'The Avengers,' he gets to be a little bit darker, which is nice."

Vanaf 3 mei 2012 is The Avengers in de Nederlandse bioscopen te zien.


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