Dan Aykroyd over Ghostbusters 3

Het lijkt erop dat er een 'school voor toekomstige Ghostbusters' gaat komen.

The Guardian had een interview met Dan Aykroyd die wat meer details gaf over Ghostbusters 3. In het derde deel van de beroemde spokenjagers zien we alle oude bekenden uit de eerdere delen weer terug zoals Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver en Harold Ramis. Hieronder een fragment uit het interview:

And now for the supernatural bit: after coming together for the game, all the players have stated their intentions to go back, and a script is being written by Gene Stupnitsky and Lee Eisenberg, writers on the US Office. According to reports the original cast will act as mentors, handing the company over to a new generation, likely to be from the Seth Rogen and Steve Carell class of actors who are filling up just the same space in Hollywood as Aykroyd and Murray once did. "There'll be a whole new generation that has to be trained and a leader that you'll all love when you meet her," says Aykroyd. "There'll be lots of cadets, boys and girls who'll be learning how to use the neuron splitter and the inter-planet interceptor - new tools to enable them to slip from dimension to dimension."

Het gehele interview kan je hier lezen


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