Shia LaBeouf belooft betere Transformers 3

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Hollywoodster Shia LaBeouf heeft tegenover The Associated Press gemeld dat we een betere Transformers 3 kunnen verwachten. Dit ging gepaard met enige kritiek tegenover het voorgaande tweede deel, Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen uit 2009. LaBeouf start aankomende week met de opnames voor de derde Transformers film van regisseur Michael Bay.

Ten eerste zegt LaBeouf: "It brings the heart back to the franchise." Volgens hem brengt het script voor de derde film het menselijk element terug in de film. Dit zou volgens hem verloren zijn gegaan in het tweede deel: "When I saw the second movie, I wasn't impressed with what we did. There were some really wild stunts in it, but the heart was gone."

Overigens had ook actrice Kym Whitley onlangs meer over haar rol in Transformers 3 te melden: "I usually don't like mentioning that I am working on 'Transformers' because I was also in 'Transformers 2' and I got cut out. So I try not to get excited about working on the project until I see the final edit, because you never know what's going to happen." Ook zegt ze: "The real excitement about working on the film just comes from working with [director] Michael Bay. He writes these parts for me and just lets me roll with it. You can't beat that. It's kind of like working with Larry David, when I did 'Curb Your Enthusiasm.' Michael Bay works fast though. He laughs a lot, too. You rarely get someone to just tell you to go ahead and do your thing. That's the beauty of working with him."


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